The news media sure does a great job at displaying negligence when it comes to covering the debate over health insurance.
While these news media lapdogs keep emphasizing Republican talking points that attack President Obama's efforts to bring meaningful health care reform, they are failing badly when it comes to covering the desires of many to bring about change in this area.
One such report I heard pointed out polls that showed the president's ratings virtually tanking in this area, but failed to mention that these same polls show great support for robust health care reform that includes a strong public option that keeps private insurers honest.
The latter is the President's proposal, and why these media nutcases don't mention that is beyond me (unless these media lapdogs are really bent on keeping 47 million Americans uninsured and many others being forced to rot and die without decent health care).
Why these media outlets and their representative fail to closely question the critics of the President's plan more closely is beyond me. Do they really want to peddle the case of undue costs without mentioning that taxpayers like me already bear the high cost of supporting health care when folks without health insurance are forced to use hospital emergency rooms to obtain routine care (when it would be a lot cheaper if they went to doctor's offices to get the same treatments).
Do these media folks who'd rather ask softball question of Obama plan critics ever press these critics about who pays when those without health insurance can't pay the bills associated with their care at public hospitals.
If they ever did, they may be so shocked that their reporting would thoroughly discredit Republicans and others who have been peddling all this nonsense about Obama's plan.
Let's end the pain and suffering of many and vote for real health care reform that includes a real public option that helps reduce costs.
Greg Gutfeld ‘Jokes’ Rep. Jasmine Crockett Is A ‘Ho’
Greg Gutfeld brought his mean-spirited MAGA comedy (is there any other
kind?) to his opening monologue Wednesday night. It was no surprise that
all his s...
1 hour ago
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