It's time we seriously considered a March on Washington to demand that Congress pass real health insurance reform legislation with a robust public option.
While BIG majorities in this country believe that our health system badly needs a BIG-TIME fix, some Washington politicians seem bent on preserving the status quo at whatever cost.
The status quo is totally unacceptable. It burdens those who need care but can afford it the least while lining the pockets of insurance companies whose only purpose seems to be denying care because of how much treatments cost or because of pre-existing conditions.
Republicans in Congress and Democratic "blue dogs" may think the current system is fine, but it isn't so if you find yourself having to wait five hours if not more in an emergency room awaiting urgent care.
Republicans in Congress and their Democratic allies may think the current system is the greatest in the world, but to property taxpayers like myself who support the public hospital in my area, the system is a burden because when uninsured folks can't pay for the treatment they get in my area's public hospital, folks like me who pay property taxes wind up paying the bill.
Is this satisfactory? It isn't, and it's time we send a loud and clear message that we will refuse to be quiet while insurance companies line politicians' pockets in their efforts to sidetrack real healthcare reform.
It's time to stand up and be counted, not just when Congress is in session, but during the August recess. It's time to demand that Congress answer to us and not to insurance companies that have gamed the current health care system against our best interests.
It's time real healthcare reform legislation with a robust public option get passed this year and signed for by President Obama, and if we really want our voices heard not just by the politicians, but by the lapdog mainstream media, let's march on Washington to really demand the change we seek in this area.
Let's show these politicians and media types that we won't go away while politicians screw us. Let's take the fight to these folks by marching on Washington and exercising our constitutional rights.
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