Thursday, September 3, 2009

HUGE Disconnect In Healthcare Debate Coverage (Hint: Anti-Reform Liars Are Losing, Reformers Are Winning)

Sad to say, the mainstream media has done a lousy job of handling last month's protests by a loud and lying minority of Americans against President Obama's healthcare proposal.
How bad was the media's performance in playing up the lies of the minority at the expense of the majority? E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post had some probative things to say in his latest column.
Here's part of what he writes:
There is an overwhelming case that the electronic media went out of their way to cover the noise and ignored the calmer (and from television's point of view "boring") encounters between elected representatives and their constituents.
It's also clear that the anger that got so much attention largely reflects a fringe right-wing view opposed to all sorts of government programs most Americans support. Much as the far left of the antiwar movement commanded wide coverage during the Vietnam years, so now are extremists on the right hogging the media stage -- with the media's complicity.

And despite the media's claims that the protests helped skew the debate in the healthcare opponent's favor, there's HUGE evidence of a disconnect between what these conveyors are saying and the facts about how the public really feel about the public option.
I mentioned in an earlier post the latest CNN poll that shows 55 percent of Americans favoring the very public option that was targeted by the right-wing nuthouses, but there are other polls (at least two that I know of) that show even more support for the public option (see this post on one such poll, for example).
So who's really "winning" the healthcare debate. Based on facts and polls, the public option is definitely winning, and it's time the mainstream media stopped peddling misleading information that claims the contrary.

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