Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Former President's Harsh Words On Racist Hate Speech Against Obama

When former President Jimmy Carter speaks, especially when it comes to race, one better listen.
The former president had some harsh words against the hate speech that has been unleashed against President Obama.
Here's the report aired on the "NBC Nightly News" on what Carter had to say:

Putting it mildly, what former President Carter said was scary. When you see signs of folks putting up posters likening our president to the villanous Joker character from "Batman" or signs mocking Obama's being African American, it is very scary that racism is still very real in our society, many years after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought successfully to end racial discrimination nationwide, and especially in the South.
It is sick, and it is despicable. It is evil that elements of the Republican party and their allies in the right-wing talk show industry (not to mention the Fox Republican Advocacy Channel) have tried to legitimize the flagerent racism displayed in these unprincipled protests against our president.
As we have learned from the grossly overplayed teabag march on Washington this weekend, those attacking the president aren't content merely with disagreeing with him on legitimate policy questions.
All we have heard from these folks are false questions about Obama's place of birth, not-too-subtle negative references to Obama's race, and even some seemingly subtle threats to Obama's life ("bury Obamacare with (the late Sen. Edward) Kennedy").
It was important that former President Carter speak out the way he did, and it's time America face this issue head-on before it bleeds us even further.

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