When I arrived at my day job earlier today, little did I know I'd be hearing from a West Coast teabagger who was all too willing to rattle any myth she could think of against President Obama's healthcare proposal.
After stating how honorable she thought Texas Gov. Rick Perry was and how we need him in the White House, the West Coast teabagger started rattling off how evil she thought the healthcare proposal was.
For starters, the teabagger said, it would require the federal government to have access to our checking accounts. The teabagger then said the proposal would give preferred access to illegal aliens to our health care system.
Some lunacies, yeah. Did I think she had been drinking too much of that right-wing corporate Kool Aid when it came to the president's plan? Yes, definitely.
We've been hearing lots of scare stories about the proposal that either
a. not in the proposal at all or
b. exaggerated at best or made up at worst about what's in (or out) of the proposal.
You'd think that a side that was so convinced about the rightness of their position would take far more care about telling the truth about the proposal. But we have sadly learned, the truth is a very foreign subject for those wanting to defeat the proposal.
Happily, it now appears that the mainstream media (or at least some of it) is beginning to wise up to the healthcare reform opponents' lies and tactics, and I suspect it won't be long before the cry for real reform will be so huge Congress won't be able to resist (not even Blue Dogs or even Republicans).
Greg Gutfeld ‘Jokes’ Rep. Jasmine Crockett Is A ‘Ho’
Greg Gutfeld brought his mean-spirited MAGA comedy (is there any other
kind?) to his opening monologue Wednesday night. It was no surprise that
all his s...
40 minutes ago
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