These right-wing nut jobs who are cheering Chicago's defeat in its bid to win the 2016 Summer Olympics really need to have their heads checked out.
Are they really happy because all the jobs Chicago would get in the years before the Games even would have come won't be coming?
Are they really happy because of the positive press Chicago (and the U.S.) would get from the Games but won't since Rio de Janiero wound up winning?
Somehow, these goons who cheered Chicago's loss and yelled "The ego has landed" like Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge did need serious mental counseling.
Besides all that, it sure makes me wonder where the Republican party these guys have been front and center off since Barack Obama became president are really mainstream...or has the GOP (and the farce of a "news" channel called Fox) really gone so right-wing that it has fallen far out of the reality map (or even the mainstream map).
I hoped Chicago (which my wife and I visited a few years ago) would win, and I was disappointed that it didn't, but the classless and juvenile display of glee from these right-wing clowns and their allies in and out of the media must not be forgotten either.
In fact, they show conclusively that they, and the Republican party it supports, don't give a rat's a-- about providing real and compelling solutions to America's problems. They also don't give a rat's a-- about promoting goodwill of the very country that gave them the platform to gain the followings (and resulting monies) they've gotten.
To take it a step further, the Glenn Becks, Rush Limbaughs, and the Fox "newses" of the world have proven beyond a doubt that they are anti-American subversives who deserve to be thrown into the trash cans of history and beyond.
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