I suspect we'll be seeing a lot of this photo between now and the November general election. If anything illustrates more Mitt Romney's undeniable linkage with the privileged 1 percent, it's the photo above.
Here in Texas, that photo has taken on an additional meaning. Check
this out:
On Wednesday, February 1st, American Airlines announced that it will take the advice of Mitt Romney’s firm, Bain Capital, and lay off 13,000 workers -15 percent of its workforce- replacing their pension plans with 401(k) plans and ending company-paid retiree healthcare.
The lay off announcement came only seven days after American Airlines hired Bain Capital to guide it through a bankruptcy procedure for which the airline had filed last November.
The problem for Romney is this-- he has made his experience in the business world, particularly at Bain, as a selling point for his presidency. Although he claims to have created 100,000 jobs while working there, stories like this one do anything but reinforce the image Romney has been trying to present.
Instead of being a job creator, it seems that Romney has lost far more jobs than he has created. It sure calls into his question his gargantuan claim of having created 100,000 jobs.
And it calls even more for Romney to release far more years of tax returns than he has shown willingness to do so far (just 2010 and 2011). The question is not Romney's right to make money and profit from what he does, but how he made his money.
With stories like this one, the picture becomes even worse than anyone could imagine when it comes to the current GOP front runner.
One note: Since American Airlines is based in Fort Worth, I'd love to see Romney try to explain this one as he campaigns for votes here in Texas. Even in GOP country, Romney may find himself in deep trouble with revelations like this one.